from once a seed came a sprout...

Growing up in Northern Michigan, I spent most of my youth in nature exploring, building, tasting and smelling. I developed a deep relationship with the wild and it's many dwellers and by age seven I was determined to move into the forest full time. At sixteen I finally found a way and finished high school a year early to move out into the subtropical forest of Kauai, Hawaii where I spent the majority of the next four years. Every day living out there was truly human. Gathering wood and water, plants for food and medicine, and greeting other feral beings were daily events. My passion for plants and herbalism deepened as I lived closely with the land and learned indigenous ways. Over the years I volunteered on farms and in botanical gardens, and read every plant book I could get my hands on. In 2012 after the birth of my son, I moved back to my home of Northern Michigan and knew it was my destiny to pursue a life in herbal medicine. While starting an eco-friendly cleaning business and working full time cleaning houses, I worked hard to pursue my true passion. I became a certified herbalist and started to develop a product line. By 2015 I transitioned fully from house cleaning to attending five farmers markets a week. I now teach classes, hold workshops, experiment with techniques in growing and harvesting herbs, develop herbal products, and spread the word to everyone and anyone willing to learn, hoping to ignite the same passion in others and keep the ancient tradition of herbalism alive.
"Where there is passion, there is power and where there is community passion will flower."
~ Sierra LaRose (founder, farmer, wild harvester, herbalist and educator)
-founder/farmer/forager/alchemist/herbalist Sierra Bigham